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Manifesting Your Desires: Using Law of Attraction


Course Overview: This beginning course teaches students how to harness the power of the Law of Attraction to manifest their desires. Through twice weekly lessons, students will learn how to harness the power of the Law of Attraction to manifest their desires and achieve their goals, starting with the history of the Law of Attraction. Lessons will be released at least twice weekly. I encourage you to go back through anything that wasn't clear. As the course progresses discussion boards will open. I encourage you to have a special notebook to use pen and paper and write down things as we go through each lesson. ***Please SCROLL DOWN to request to join the program, then click the button to JOIN NOW to pay for your program. This beginning course will be 4 weeks. Course Outline Week 1: The Foundations of the Law of Attraction Week 2: Aligning with Abundance and Gratitude Week 3: Manifesting Relationships and Opportunities Week 4: Manifesting Health and Well-being Remember, the Law of Attraction is a lifelong practice, and its successful application requires consistent effort and alignment.




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